Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Welcome back...

Ciao tutti!

So...I've started and stopped this blog thing a million times. It's always great in the beginning, then I slowly fade away by not keeping up with it, then I'll forget about it altogether, and then I'll remember it a couple of months later and go back and read all of my postings and absolutely hate what I've written and end up deleting everything. Well, THIS time I'm gonna try to stick to it!

I graduated from UNCW on May 9th, 2009, and 10 days later I had a one-way ticket in my hand and was on my way to Naples, Italy, to be an Au Pair for one year. Well, it is now September, and the 'me' that got on that plane over 3 months ago is completely different (in a good way!) than the 'me' sitting here now. This has been an amazing experience so far. Through all of the ups and downs and some unexpected turns, I feel like I've grown in so many ways. I'll stop now before this gets too cliche and corny...

But really, everyone always says to me 'wow, you must be having a blast!' or 'you are so lucky to be getting to live the dream life in Italy!'. Yes, I am having a great time, and yes, I am very very very fortunate. And although I'm getting plenty of chances to travel, this is far from the dream life. More on that to come later...

I just wanted to get this blog back up and running; to clear away the cobwebs of old posts and start fresh. I promise to update regularly (for all my avid readers, right?). Next post will probably be a long one, gotta get you guys up-to-speed on the last three months, so get ready with una bottiglia di vino and maybe put on some Frank Sinatra...

Tanti baci & Arrivederci!


  1. So I was wondering why you were in Italy, just figured it might have dealt with school. But sounds like it would be fun to be au pair. But I totally know that it is not what people expect because depending on the family you may be the one to raise the kids and the parents are out doing whatever and whenever! Well I hope its not that way and you get to enjoy it for the most part! ---Tiffany Swedberg

  2. I can't wait to read more , you already have me intrigued
